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Russia Declares ‘State Of Emergency’ Over U.S. Military Buildup

Russia has declared a state of emergency over the increasingly hostile U.S. military build-up in Poland, calling the presence a “threat to national security.” The Kremlin have expressed concern that the 2,700 troops arriving on their border as part of operation Atlantic Resolve is secretly intended to incite a nuclear war between Russia and the West. Yahoo News reports: The Kremlin, which has previously criticised NATO for its reinforcement in Eastern Europe, said on Thursday the deployment was an aggressive step along its borders.

Israeli Jets Bomb Damascus Military Airport; Syria Vows It Will Respond To "Flagrant Attack"

Just as the Syrian proxy war showed some hopeful signs of finally dying down, the Syrian army command said on Friday that Israeli jets have bombed the Mezzeh military airport west of Damascus, accusing Tel Aviv of supporting terrorism, and warned Tel Aviv of repercussions of what it called a "flagrant" attack. Syrian state TV quoted the army as saying several rockets were fired from an area near Lake Tiberias in northern Israel just after midnight which landed in the compound of the airport, a major facility for elite Republican Guards and special forces.

Assange Agrees To Extradition If Obama Grants Chelsea Manning Clemency

Assange Agrees To Extradition If Obama Grants Chelsea Manning Clemency

Just hours after NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden urged President Obama to "save [Chelsea Manning's] life by granting her clemency," Wikileaks' founder Julian Assange says he will agree to be extradited to the United States if the president grants clemency to the former US soldier Chelsea Manning, who is currently serving a 35-year sentence for leaking documents.

Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row — Paul Craig Roberts

Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Paul Craig Roberts

Readers have asked me why 10 of 11 US aircraft carriers are lined up in a row in dock allegedly for maintanence. It reminds them of the battleships at Pearl Harbor. Readers ask if this could be an indication that the Deep State is planning a false flag attack on the carriers, as was carried out on the World Trade Center and Pentagon in order to get the US at war with the independent Muslim world, this time in order to get the US at war with Russia before Trump can restore normal relations.

In Praise of Tillerson, Trump's Secretary Of State Pick

In Praise of Tillerson, Trump's Secretary Of State Pick

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via,

The Financial Times reports Tillerson Gets Rough Ride from Russia Hawks on the Hill.

The rough ride was from Senator John McCain, Senator Marco Rubio, and Senator Lindsey Graham.

Rex Tillerson, Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of state, faced a tough grilling over his relationship with Russia and its president Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, while also stumbling on whether ExxonMobil had lobbied against Russian sanctions.

