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Hungary To Launch Crackdown On All George Soros-Funded Organizations

Hungary To Launch Crackdown On All George Soros-Funded Organizations

In a dramatic example of blowback against the establishment in the post-Trumpian world, Hungary announced it plans to crack down on non-governmental organizations linked to billionaire George Soros now that Donald Trump will occupy the White House, according to the deputy head of Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s party, cited by Bloomberg.

Here Is The Full 35-Page Report Alleging Trump Was "Cultivated, Supported And Assisted" By Russia

Here Is The Full 35-Page Report Alleging Trump Was "Cultivated, Supported And Assisted" By Russia

As reported moments ago, CNN is leading with a story about a 35-page dossier compiled by a former member of British intelligence, which had been distilled into a 2-page appendix presented to Trump last Friday by the US intel community, and which contains "explosive, but unverified, allegations" that the Russian government has been "cultivating, supporting and assisting" President-elect Donald Trump for at least 5 years and "endorsed by Putin" gained compromising information about him, with the aim of "encouraging splits and divisions in the western alli

US Intel Told Trump Russia Had Compromising Personal And Financial Information About Him

In a report that will likely set much of the liberal media on fire in the coming days, CNN reports, citing "multiple US officials", that top intelligence officials last week briefed President-elect Donald Trump about Russian operatives' claims that they have compromised Trump's personal and financial information.

David Rockefeller Predicted To Die In 2017

American billionaire David Rockefeller is expected to die this year, according to a website which correctly predicted the deaths of 16 celebrities in 2016.  According to the owners of, Queen Elizabeth II, former US Presidents George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter, and New World Order henchman David Rockefeller are about to shuffle off the mortal coil in 2017. reports: Last year, the website correctly predicted the death of American Boxing champion Muhammad Ali and Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro.

Three Strikes - You're Out... Of Freedoms

Submitted by Jeff Thomas via,

In the nineteenth century, the Americans invented a new sport—baseball. At one time thought of by us Britons as a sort of “poor man’s cricket,” baseball eventually became an international sport and, at this point in time, in virtually any country in the world, the exclamation “Three strikes—you’re out” means to all and sundry that the individual in question is finished for the time being.
