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Obama Quietly Sends US Marines To Afghanistan

Just before leaving office President Obama has deployed 300 US Marines into Afghanistan to do what 100,000 failed to achieve. Obama, who drops one bomb for every terrorist on his kill list and manages to kill and maim dozens more in the process, won the Noble Peace Prize seven years ago before being crowned the Drone President. Last week, as the mainstream media continued to obsess over the CIA’s evidence-free claim that the Russians hacked the presidential election, President Obama quietly sent 300 US Marines back into Afghanistan’s Helmand Province.

Czechs Buying Guns To Shoot Muslim Terrorists

The Czech Republic is in the grip of Islamophobia following terror attacks in Europe. The Interior Minister Milan Chovanec has warned citizens that a Super Holocaust is about to be committed in Europe and wants Czechs be able to use their guns against Muslim terrorists. The government is rushing new gun laws through parliament, working toward amending the constitution. In the near future ordinary citizens may be able to shoot a potential terrorist on-sight in the absence of police.

Sessions Will Recuse Himself Of Any Probe Into Hillary Clinton, Does Not Support A Ban On Muslims

As the Jeff Sessions confirmation hearing continues, Trump's nominee for attorney general said that he would recuse himself from any potential future investigations or probes involving Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while working as secretary of state, as well as any questions about her family’s philanthropic foundation.

Is Israel, Not Russia, To Blame For Hillary's Election Loss?

Is Israel, Not Russia, To Blame For Hillary's Election Loss?

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via,

Mainstream media, led by the Washington Post, put on a blistering attack blaming Russia for Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump.

Like lemmings over a cliff, the New York Times, CNN, and Newsweek all joined in on the rush to judgment accusing Russia of aiding Trump.

The final coup de grâce came when the politically-motivated Obama administration had the National Intelligence Agency issue its scam report “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”.
