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Russia Accuses President Obama Of Undermining US Democracy

A Russian politician has come out in defence of democracy, arguing that the only person who undermined American democracy in recent years was President Obama and not Putin. In a series of tweets on Friday, the head of the State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs, Alexei Pushkov, argued that U.S. democracy was undermined by the Obama administration and the media – not by a Russian hacking campaign. The Blaze reports: In a series of tweets late Friday, Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov criticized the U.S.

Professor Predicts Society Will Collapse By 2020

Scientific research predicts civil unrest by 2020 as political turmoil reaches a peak. Social order as we know it will collapse in three years, plunging the world into unrest and chaos. Professor Peter Turchin says his assumptions are not predictions, but are based on latest research using historical facts and mathematical models. The Sunday Express reports: Prof Turchin has developed a subject known as “cliodynamics” which analyses history as a science, which includes predictions and models based on past experiences.

McCain Has Blood On His Hands

McCain Has Blood On His Hands

Submitted by Mike Shedlock  via,

If there was ever any doubt who perpetual warmonger, Senator John McCain, wanted for US president, this headline explains: Russian cyberintrusions an ‘act of war’

Today, CNN writer Frida Ghitis repeats McCain’s claim with Putin’s ‘act of war’ against American democracy.

CIA Bases Congressional Russian Hacking Report on Possibilities, Not Truth

Via The Daily Bell

Intel report warns Moscow will try to influence elections in countries allied to US. The declassified version of the report warned that other countries were also vulnerable to attack. - Independent

Intelligence in the US is becoming even more emphatic about the Russian threat to elections, claiming that Russians will start to disrupt the elections of other countries like they are disrupting American ones.
