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A Case Study in the Creation of False News — Paul Craig Roberts

A Case Study in the Creation of False News

Paul Craig Roberts

For many weeks we have witnessed the extraordinary attack by the CIA and its assets in Congress and the media on Donald Trump’s election. In an unprecedented effort to delegitimize Trump’s election as the product of Russian interference in the election, the CIA, media, senators and representatives have consistently made wild accusations for which they have no evidence. The CIA’s message to Trump is clear: Get in line with our agenda, or we are going to mess you over.

Trump Confirms "No Effect On The Outcome Of The Election" Following Intelligence Briefing

Trump Confirms "No Effect On The Outcome Of The Election" Following Intelligence Briefing

President-elect Trump has issued a statement following his briefing with various intelligence agencies over the Russian hacking allegations, seemingly rejecting the Democrats' charges that it was the Russians alone and that it had any effect on the outcome of the election.

Additionally, Trump promised to appoint a team to give him a plan to combat cyber attacks within 90 days of taking office.

Full Statement:


Not quite the "stunning" reaction that Nancy Pelosi had.

Rumors Swirl That Hillary Is Considering A Run For New York City Mayor

After failing miserably in her 2016 bid for the White House, several sources are reporting today that Hillary Clinton is mulling a potential run for New York City Mayor.  Although Mayor de Blasio, whose term ends at the end of 2017, has close ties to the Clintons there is no love lost between the two after de Blasio initially refused to endorse Hillary's presidential bid.

Obamacare Was ‘Lie From The Beginning’ Says Trump

Donald Trump has been slamming the Democrats and President Barack Obama’s healthcare law while calling for a bipartisan effort in Congress to come up with a better alternative. Via twitter, Trump lashed out at  Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer and his fellow political party members, who have vowed to preserve the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, even as Republicans move ahead with their long-sought bid to dismantle it.   Press TV reports: “The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer, know how bad ObamaCare is and what a mess they are in.

End Of The US Empire? Russian Warships Just Arrived In The Philippines

Submitted by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

Notable American foreign policy critic and linguist, Professor Noam Chomsky, has stated numerous times that the United States’ power has steadily been declining since the end of World War II. As Chomsky notes, in 1945, the United States had “literally half the world’s wealth, incredible security, controlled the entire Western Hemisphere, both oceans, [and[ the opposite sides of both oceans.”
