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GOP Plans 'Pre-Emptive' Law Crackdown On Liberal City Agendas

GOP Plans 'Pre-Emptive' Law Crackdown On Liberal City Agendas

For years the liberal elitist politicians of large metropolitan cities around the country have overstepped their boundaries by passing city-level taxes on things like sugary drinks while also imposing new regulations like minimum wage hikes and, our personal favorite, plastic bag bans, which just went into effect for many cities across the country. 

As exhibit A, just yesterday we presented the following receipt showing the impact of Philadelphia's new 51% "beverage tax":


Narrative Shift: Russian Hacking Claims Move to Third Party Actors and Away from Putin Himself Directing Operation

Former CIA shill, Phil Mudd, took to CNN yesterday in an attempt to both smear Wikileaks' Julian Assange and also help change the narrative regarding alleged, muh, Russian hacks on the U.S. Presidential elections.

Notice how the rhetoric has shifted from Putin himself directing the hacks to a third party being directed by the Russians? Also, he called Assange a pedophile, the very thing John Podesta's emails caused many to believe in an underground child trafficking ring called 'Pizzagate.'

Source: Zerohedge

Very Powerful People In The U.S. Government Want War – This Is Their Sales Pitch

Very Powerful People In The U.S. Government Want War – This Is Their Sales Pitch

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

The rising hysteria about Russia is best understood as fulfilling two needs for Official Washington: the Military Industrial Complex’s transitioning from the “war on terror” to a more lucrative “new cold war” – and blunting the threat that a President Trump poses to the neoconservative/liberal-interventionist foreign-policy establishment.


US Special Forces Deployed To Russian Border

Obama has deployed US Special Forces close to the Russian border to defend Baltic states who are allegedly ‘scared to death’ of Putin’s aggression. As part of a “persistent” presence of American troops in the Baltics, dozens of special ops solders will be being stationed along Europe’s eastern flank to provide reassurance to NATO allies Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. They will also complement around 4,000 Nato troops being posted to Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia in the coming months.

The "Russian Hacking" Story Changes Again

Today at 9:30 am, senior U.S. intelligence officials face questions at a Senate hearing that will be dominated by the intelligence community's assessment that Russia meddled in the presidential election to help Donald Trump win. Participating will be James R. Clapper, Jr., Director Of National Intelligence. Marcel J. Lettre II, Under Secretary Of Defense For Intelligence and Admiral Michael S. Rogers, USN, Commander, United States Cyber Command. 
