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Trump Taps Former Senator Dan Coats As Director Of National Intelligence

Trump Taps Former Senator Dan Coats As Director Of National Intelligence

Just minutes after James Clapper finished explaining why Russia is America's arch enemy to congress, president-elect Trump has announced that he is choosing former Indiana Republcian Senator Dan Coats as his Director of National Intelligence.

As The Washington Post reports,
Coats, who is seen as a traditional Republican, served two stints in the Senate and was ambassador to Germany during George W. Bush’s presidency.

Key Takeaways From Intelligence Community Testimony On Alleged "Russian Hacking"

For those disaffected Hillary snowflakes looking for some level of concrete, tangible evidence from today's Senate testimony from the "intelligence community" that "Russian Hackers" purposefully colluded with President-elect Trump to steal the 2016 election from Clinton, we have some bad news: your desire for evidence required to start World War III over your candidate's loss has still not been fulfilled.  Better luck next time.

Trump's Secertary Of State Tillerson Discloses $400 Million In Assets

One day after Exxon announced it would sever ties with its former CEO and Chairman, Rex Tillerson, who is slated to become Trump's secretary of state, in the process awarding him $182 million in deferred shares (presumably tax-free), today Tillerson disclosed assets worth as much as $400 million in an ethics filing that showed investments across more than a dozen nations.

The Elite's Dream of a Cash Ban is Now Closer Than Ever

Globally the Elites are watching what’s unfolding in India… and they are doing so with glee.

In case you missed it, India banned the use of the 500 and 1,000 Rupee bills on November 8 2016.

This is effectively a complete  physical cash as these bills (both of which are worth < $10) represent 86% of all cash in circulation.

The country plunged into turmoil soon afterwards. But guess what?
