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Obama Pushes Anti-Gun Law Before He Leaves Office

Barack Obama is making a desperate final attempt to push through a strict anti-gun law before he leaves office in January.  Just one week before Christmas the outgoing President sent the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty to the US Senate to be ratified. reports: It’s sure to be dead on arrival because of the Senate’s stand against the ATT, but he is just demonstrating his utter contempt for America, the Constitution and the Second Amendment.

While Blaming Trump For "Arms Race", Obama Signs Momentous "Star Wars II" Defense Bill

While Blaming Trump For "Arms Race", Obama Signs Momentous "Star Wars II" Defense Bill

As politicians and mainstream media blast Trump's apparently incendiary tweet regarding nuclear arms, none other than President Obama just signed legislation that, by striking a single word from longstanding US nuclear defence policy, could heighten tensions with Russia and China and launch the country on an expensive effort to build space-based defense systems.

Oh the irony... Following Trump's tweet...

The United States And The Race For Global Hegemony

The United States And The Race For Global Hegemony

Submitted by Federico Pieraccini via,

The previous article focused on the definition of an international order, globalization, geopolitical theories and how this has changed the notion with which a nation exercises control over a foreign country. In this second part I intend to examine the various geopolitical theories, their translations into modern concepts, and practical actions that the United States have undertaken in recent decades to aspire to global dominance.

The Strategy Of Rimland

Netanyahu Lashes Out At "Shameful Ambush" By Obama; Looks Forward To Working With "Friend" Trump

Following yesterday's unexpected vote in the United Nations, when the United States broke with a long-standing approach of diplomatically shielding Israel, and did not wield its veto power as it had on many prior occasions - a decision Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu called "shameful" - leading to the adoption of a resolution demanding an end to Israel settlement building, Israel said it would re-assess its ties with the United Nations.  It also said it would not comply with the resolution, suggesting it may now be a "rogue nation" when it comes to UN enforcement.
