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Mr. Putin Comes To Washington? "If Trump Invites Me, Of Course I'll Come"

Mr. Putin Comes To Washington? "If Trump Invites Me, Of Course I'll Come"

We can only imagine the establishment's reaction to their arch-nemesis appearance on their doorstep, but as TASS reports, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday he is ready to pay a visit to the US if the new US President Donald Trump sends an invitation to him.

"If Trump invites to come to the United States, then I will certainly come," Putin told reporters.


The Russian president refrained from providing the exact date of his possible meeting with the US President-elect.


Biden: "Elitist" Clinton "Never Really Figured Out Why She Was Running"

Biden:  "Elitist" Clinton "Never Really Figured Out Why She Was Running"

As speculation continues to swirl over whether or not Biden will make a run for the Presidency in 2020, he has maintained a curious presence in the media in recent weeks and recently offered some pretty harsh critiques of the Clinton campaign when he sat down with the Los Angeles Times.  Mimicking comments made by Neera Tanden which were exposed by Wikileaks, Biden suggested that Hillary lost primarily because she never "really figured out why she was running."  Per The Hill: 

Chinese Military Said To Hack FDIC For Years, Including Computer Of Sheila Bair

While the Russian government in general, and Putin in particular, supposedly has a grudge on US voters and, according to the 'serious' press, orchestrated the hacking of the US elections, China's interests appear to be focused on America's money. In the latest such breach, according to Reuters, the FBI is investigating how Chinese military hackers infiltrated computers at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for several years beginning in 2010.

Quiet Since WWII, Japan Begins $44 Billion Re-Militarization To Confront China

Quiet Since WWII, Japan Begins $44 Billion Re-Militarization To Confront China

Submitted by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

 The days of post-World War II pacifism in Japan are more or less over.

The Japanese government has announced it will bolster its coast guard capabilities to defend disputed islands in the East China Sea. China also claims and regularly patrols these islands. The coast guard budget is expected to reach a record of 210 billion yen (approximately $1.8 billion), adding eight new ships and more than 200 law enforcement officials.

Russian Ambassador Murderer Tracked To CIA Base In Iraq

Russian authorities have confirmed that the assassin of Turkish ambassador Andrey Karlov has ties to an American CIA base in Iraq.  After President Putin ordered an 18-person investigation into the assassination of Ambassador Karlov last week, investigators say they found strong evidence that proves Mevlut Mert Altintas was connected to a CIA base in Erbil Governorate in Iraq, and had been connected to the attempted coup against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erodgan in July.
