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Over Half Of East Aleppo Now Under Control Of Syrian Govt Forces

Syrian government forces have retaken more than half of the former rebel held stronghold of eastern Aleppo and are now in control of over 30 of the city’s neighborhoods. According to the Russian MoD the Syrian army is still successfully advancing in eastern Aleppo and have seized a neighborhood occupying three square kilometers over the past 24 hours.

Matteo Renzi Says He Will Resign After Losing Referendum

Matteo Renzi Says He Will Resign After Losing Referendum

As was reported earlier, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is expected to deliver a statement on the Italian referendum at midnight Italian time. According to Italy's RAI, the statement has been delayed by 20 minutes. It is unclear what the topic of Renzi's statement will be although speculation is rampant that the 41 year old prime minister may announce his resignation, opening the way for a new government and/or new elections.

Trump Saber Rattles China, Heightens His Anti-Globalist Rhetoric on Twitter

Trump Saber Rattles China, Heightens His Anti-Globalist Rhetoric on Twitter

At some point, the non believers will have to start learning the old fashioned way. Trump has been very transparent from day 1. If you fuck with American business or its people, he's going to use the full powers of his office to exact a reckoning. Since the election, the mindless drones on Wall Street have taken a very bullish position on China -- bidding up steel, aluminum and copper stocks without a care in the world.

WikiLeaks: CIA Supplied Podesta Pedo Email Evidence

CIA and US intelligence operatives are responsible for handing over emails to Wikileaks that exposed John Podesta being connected to a Washington pedophile ring. According to insiders, Russia were not responsible for the Podesta email hack as is falsely reported by the media. Elements within US intelligence wished to expose the depravity of Clinton and her cronies and so took it upon themselves to release the emails to WikiLeaks.

Renzi Loses Italian Referendum By Wide Margin; "Northern League" Calls For Early Elections - Live Blog

Renzi Loses Italian Referendum By Wide Margin; "Northern League" Calls For Early Elections - Live Blog

Update #2: Following the exit polls and the market's response, "Northern League" leader Salvini has called for early elections:


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Update #1: The Exit polls have begun:
