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Official Washington's "Info-Wars"

Authored by William Blum, originally posted at,

On November 16, at a State Department press briefing, department spokesperson John Kirby was having one of his frequent adversarial dialogues with Gayane Chichakyan, a reporter for RT (Russia Today); this time concerning U.S. charges of Russia bombing hospitals in Syria and blocking the U.N. from delivering aid to the trapped population.


Obama Supports Forcing Women To Register For Military Draft

Submitted by Jason Ditz via,

Continuing the debate over a massive expansion of the Selective Service, the White House today announced that President Obama is in favor of expanding registration for the military draft to include all women when they turn 18.

"As old barriers for military service are being removed, the administration supports — as a logical next step — women registering for the Selective Service," said Ned Price, a spokesman for Obama's National Security Council.


US House of Representatives Passes Law Against Telling the Truth in America — Paul Craig Roberts

US House of Representatives Passes Law Against Telling the Truth in America

Paul Craig Roberts

The US House of Representatives is so threatened by truth that “our” representatives have passed a law against telling the truth. As all truth in America is told by “Russian agents” spreading “false news,” the truth is no longer to be allowed.

Read very carefully the ZeroHedge report below:
