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UN Passes Resolution Urging Israel To Leave Syria’s Golan Heights

The United Nations General Assembly has once again adopted a resolution demanding that Israel withdraw from Syria’s Golan Heights, territory that they have occupied since 1967. The resolution, which had been proposed by 37 countries, was passed by an overwhelming majority on November 30th. It called on Israel to “withdraw from all the occupied territory to the line of 4 June 1967 and called on all parties concerned to exert the necessary efforts to ensure the resumption of the peace process.” However, UN General Assembly resolutions are non-binding and no more than a ‘paper tiger’ without a unanimous decision by permanent UN Security Council members to enforce them …a prospect which is a highly unlikely. Press TV reports: The resolution also condemned Israel’s non-compliance to the Security Council Resolution 497 since 1981 until now, describing as null and void Tel Aviv’s decision issued on December 14, 1981 to impose its control over the occupied Golan Heights. The UNGA also reemphasized the basic principle of inadmissibility of the acquisition of territories by force based on the international law and the UN Charter. The resolution stressed that the Geneva Conventions on the protection of civilian individuals in time of war apply in [...]

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