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10 Reasons Why ISIS Is A Western Invention

ISIS, ISIL, IS, or Daesh are a deliberately engineered US and Israeli creation designed to achieve certain geopolitical goals for the elite. The goal of this latest terrorist boogeyman is to further the Zionist agenda in order to create unrest in the Middle East, with security agencies such as CIA and Mossad secretly pulling the strings behind the scenes. Want proof? Below is a list of 10 reasons that offer proof that ISIS is a western invention as reported by The Freedom Articles: 1: ISIS an Acronym for Mossad Let’s being with the obvious.

Dangerous American Hypocrisy Exposed By Reporter Matt Lee

A classic video from the vaults of Russia Insider exposes American hypocrisy and neocon attitudes towards Palestinians and Syrians. Russia Insider: An oldie but a goodie In case you missed it, back in 2012, the wicked witch of the West, Victoria Nuland, was State Department spokeswoman (and a lot less mean and hideous looking, to be honest – I guess years of doing evil does that to you).

Iran Is Ready For Confrontation With US -Military Commander

Iran is ready for a “decisive and difficult confrontation” with the US after Hillary Clinton threatened Tehran with military action. A top Iranian military official hit back at the US presidential candidate for her hawkish comments on Iran, stressing that Tehran is fully prepared for a tough, direct confrontation against the US. Press TV reports: Defining her hawkish foreign policy in a speech Thursday in San Diego, Clinton said the US could disarm Iran by military action if she became the president.
