A classic video from the vaults of Russia Insider exposes American hypocrisy and neocon attitudes towards Palestinians and Syrians. Russia Insider: An oldie but a goodie In case you missed it, back in 2012, the wicked witch of the West, Victoria Nuland, was State Department spokeswoman (and a lot less mean and hideous looking, to be honest – I guess years of doing evil does that to you). She gave a ringing endorsement to a report by Human Rights Watch condemning supposed detention centers of the Syrian government where, they would have us believe, children are tortured in ways so horrible she just can’t bring herself to mention them. Matt Lee’s retort is so devastating, so simple and so blatantly exposes the double standards and propagandistic nature of US public policy positions, that Nuland could do nothing but confess to her own hypocrisy. Daily Press Briefing – July 3, 2012 U.S. Department of State Daily Press Briefing by Spokesperson Victoria Nuland in Washington, DC. AND get this: Victoria Nuland is married to Robert Kagan, a neocon. See transcript below: So the next time Human Rights Watch comes out with a report that’s critical of Israel for its treatment of the Palestinians, [...]