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Politicians: It`s not the Jobs Stupid, It`s the Job`s Strategy Stupid (Video)

Politicians: It`s not the Jobs Stupid, It`s the Job`s Strategy Stupid (Video)

By EconMatters

We compare Germany and South Korea`s Business Development Strategy versus the United States - and how important top down leadership is in cultivating a strategic vision for a country`s growth prospects.

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Police Recommend Indicting Mrs Netanyahu Over Misuse Of Public Funds

Israeli police have recommended bringing criminal charges against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife on suspicion of misuse of state funds, according to reports in the Israeli media A criminal investigation into suspected mismanagement in the running of the Netanyahu’s residences was ordered by Israel’s attorney general last year.

The Memory Of America

Denny Burk is having a melancholy Memorial Day. After reading the Gettysburg Address, he reflected:

I read this speech with heaviness of heart this year. It seems like the nation that Lincoln describes is slipping away. It seems less a “government of the people, by the people, for the people” than it is a people of the government, by the government, for the government. As the people decrease, the state increases. And the people have decreased in virtue, historical awareness, and commitment to ordered liberty “under God.”

Ireland Becomes Third EU State To Defend BDS Movement

The Irish government has said that the global boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement represents a “legitimate” means of protest “intended to pressure Israel into ending the occupation.” This is another blow to the Israeli campaign to criminalize Palestine solidarity activism, following an announcement by the Netherlands last week supporting its people’s right to join the BDS movement against Israel.

Nobel Peace Prize Winner President Obama Speaks At Arlington National Cemetery - Live Feed

Having pledged to end the wars of his predecessor, President Obama came into office almost eight years ago as an anti-war candidate but instead has now been at war longer than any other American president. Mr. Obama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, has made endless promises of "bring the troops home" or "no boots on the ground" but will have a longer tour of duty as a wartime president than Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Nixon or his hero Abraham Lincoln.
