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Good News: US Troops Are Set to Leave Niger

The United States military has a tendency to park itself in a country and not budge even after its presence has proven catastrophic or the government of the country has demanded it leave. Well, here is some good news. Daphne Psaledakis at Reuters reported Friday that the US military will be leaving Niger, just over a month after the new government of the country demanded that action.

The Political Left Has Proven Beyond A Doubt That They Are Authoritarians

By Brandon Smith

Nearly 20 years ago when I started my work in the independent media the common mantra among my peers was noting the existence of the “false left/right paradigm” – The idea that Democrats and Republicans were essentially the same and were working towards the same exact authoritarian goals. This was before the Ron Paul movement and the libertarian/patriot shift within conservative circles when Neocons (fake conservatives) dominated all Republican discourse.
