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‘White Knights’ and Personality Cults

Bryan McGrath notices something about the effort to draft Gen. Mattis to be the Republican nominee:

I had this very chat with a friend of mine on Facebook recently, and his view was that because he had such admiration for Mattis, it did not matter what the general’s political views were. And besides, how could a man he admired as much as Mattis possibly have political views antithetical to his own?

Meet Trump 2.0: "Be Afraid, Anti-Trump Forces, Be Very Afraid"

Authored by Chris Cillizza, originally posted at The Washington Post,

Gone was "Lyin' Ted."  In its place was "Senator Cruz." Gone was the long-winded speech that went nowhere. In its place was a succinct recitation of states and delegates won. Gone was the two-day vacation as a reward for winning. In its place was an early morning trip to Indiana followed by another planned stop in Maryland.

Does Saudi Arabia Have $750 Billion In Assets To Sell?

Does Saudi Arabia Have $750 Billion In Assets To Sell?

As we reported over the weekend, based on NYT info, the Saudi finance minister said the kingdom would sell up to $750 billion in Treasury securities and other assets if Congress passed a bill that would allow the Saudi government to be held responsible for any role in the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. Senators Chuck Schumer of New York and John Cornyn of Texas introduced the "Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) last fall, but the legislation seemed to gain some new traction after a related segment on 60 Minutes earlier this month.

Obama: Saudi Government Have No Legal Protection For 9/11 Crimes

President Obama has announced that Saudi Arabia will be held fully accountable for any potential crimes they committed on 9/11, saying that the Saudi regime are not immune to prosecution.  The classified pages of the 9/11 Commission report will “hopefully” be released soon, he said, but urged caution in pursuing legal action until all of the facts are known.
