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Caught On Tape: Russian Military "Batmobile" Seen In Action For The First Time

Caught On Tape: Russian Military "Batmobile" Seen In Action For The First Time

While the world's attention has been drawn to recent Russian military involvement in Ukraine, and more recently in Syria, a far longer-running "hot war" has been taking place in the north Caucasus region in the Russian republics of Chechnya and Dagestan, where for nearly two decades, Muslim radicals have violently attempted to create an independent Islamic republic, leading to frequent confrontations between Islamic terrorist and the Russian military.

Tens Of Thousands Attend Anti Austerity March In London

Tens of thousands of people attended Saturdays anti austerity march in London, carrying banners with slogans, expletive-filled placards and pig effigies! Protesters travelled from across the UK, with hundreds arriving by coaches to voice their outrage at the cuts imposed on public services by David Cameron and his government and calling on ‘Dodgy Dave’ to resign.

"It's A Rotten System" Ron Paul Says: US Elections Are Rigged, Voting Simply Used To Pacify The Public

Submitted by MintPress via,

Dr. Ron Paul says the American electoral system is rigged to keep “independent thinkers” from succeeding.

“I see elections as so much of a charade,” the former Texas congressman said during an April 11 appearance on RT America’s “The Fishtank.” “So much deceit goes on.”

Paul is no stranger to the twisted rules of the American presidential horse race. He ran for the highest office as a Libertarian in 1988, and in 2008 and 2012 as a Republican.
