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Syria Accuses Israel Of Working With ISIS, Al-Qaeda In Golan Heights

Syria’s permanent representative to the U.N. and chief government peace negotiator Bashar Jaafari has accused Israel of cooperating with ISIS and Al-Qaeda terrorists in the Golan Heights. Ja’afari made the accusation in response to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent comments that the Golan Heights captured from Syria in 1967 is part and parcel of an ancient Jewish land, historically belonging to the modern state of Israel, and being better off for it.

A Morally Sound Tax Reform Proposal


The Oppressed U.S. Taxpayer

This year, Americans’ day of tribute to their federal overlords falls on April 18.  As calculated by the Tax Foundation, the average American will work from January 1 to April 24 (Tax Freedom Day) to pay his share of taxes to all levels of government with some $3.3 trillion to be forked over to the federal government and $1.6 trillion to state and local jurisdictions.

Venezuela Accuses The U.S. Of Blocking Doha Oil Production Freeze

While much of the blame for the failed Doha agreement (which impacted the price of oil for about 12 hours before another squeeze pushed both Brent and WTI back to unchanged for the day), a new allegations has emerged, this time from the Venezuela oil minister Del Pino who, after saying that he is disappointed with the Doha results (but why - oil is basically unchanged) accused none other than the US for sabotaging the Doha deal, saying that the US acted to block the Doha oil production freeze accord.

Ryan the Generic Hawk

Michael Brendan Dougherty doesn’t think much of Paul Ryan’s foreign policy musings. He recalls an exchange from Ryan’s debate with Biden in 2012:

Ryan constantly criticizes Democrats, and only Democrats, for not engaging in more reckless behavior, merely on the grounds that it would be symbolically satisfying. In his 2012 vice-presidential debate against Joe Biden, he criticized the Obama administration’s Iran policy, saying “when the Green Revolution started up, they were silent for nine days.” What did Ryan want? Air support or a hashtag?
