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Saudi Arabia Warn Of Economic Sanctions If U.S. Publishes 9/11 Secrets

Saudi Arabia have issued a warning to the Obama administration and Congress that it will impose tough economic sanctions on America if they decide to declassify information in the official 9/11 report which implicates the Saudi regime as orchestrating the attacks.  The Saudi regime have said they will sell off hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of American assets, if the truth about their role on September 11, 2001, becomes public knowledge.

Police Unleash Teargas After Massive Migrant Brawl Erupts At Paris Train Station

Police Unleash Teargas After Massive Migrant Brawl Erupts At Paris Train Station

It appears Europe's refugee 'problem' is un-fixed again. Riot police were called in to break up a violent clash between hundreds of migrants and a 'vigilante group' near a Paris metro station. As The Daily Mail reports, footage from Stalingrad metro, where more than a thousand migrants have been living rough, showed hundreds of men brawling with metal poles and planks of wood.


Riot police used tear gas to disperse the crowd...

