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"Projectile Dysfunction" - North Korea's Latest Missile Launch Has Failed

"Projectile Dysfunction" - North Korea's Latest Missile Launch Has Failed

Using one of the best opening lines ever, NBC reports that in celebration of North Korea's founding leader Kim ll-Sung's birthday (grandfather of current leader Kim Jong-Un), North Korea tried to launch a missile off its eastern coast early Friday.

The launch was a dismal failure according to Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis, who said that it was "a firey, catastrophic attempt at a launch that was unsuccessful."

The failure lead to this excellently crafted opening line from NBC's Stella Kim

The Ministry of Defence Releases Secret NATO Manual By Accident

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has accidentally released a secret NATO report complete with code words, ciphers, co-ordinates, radio frequencies and a host of other “special instructions” needed for huge war drills currently under way around Scotland. The manual marked “restricted”  somehow made its way into the email inboxes of fishermen and ferry operators The Herald Scotland reports: An MoD official mistakenly circulated a manual for planned air operations during major military exercises involving more than a dozen countries.
