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Angry Voters Return EU ‘Propaganda’ Leaflets Back To Downing Street

Voters are returning their pro-EU leaflets back to Downing Street after it emerged that the Government is spending nearly £10 million of the tax payers money on a propaganda blitz. Angry taxpayers across the country are already returning EU “propaganda” leaflets in protest against David Cameron’s decision to post them out to every home in Britain at their own expense. The Daily Express reports: UKIP leader Nigel Farage has called on the public to return leaflets saying: “I hope millions of those who receive Government’s pro-EU booklet return to sender, back to Downing Street.

The American Media Is A CIA Front

The American Media Is A CIA Front

I reported honestly the facts of the US coup that overthrew the elected Ukrainian government in 2014 (see my columns in February and March 2014). However, the US print and TV media, led by the New York Times, lied through their teeth.

Indeed, the “mainstream” US media functioned as agent and propagandist for the Washington neoconservatives who destroyed Ukrainian democracy and imposed massive suffering and death on Ukrainians.

There is no crime that the American presstitutes will not commit and no lie that they will not tell.

Iceland's Pirate Party Polls At Stunning 43% Following PM's Resignation

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

The most fascinating and encouraging political movement occurring anywhere on earth at the moment is taking place in the tiny nation of Iceland. No, it has nothing to do with the recent resignation of the country’s Prime Minister after it was discovered via the Panama Papers that he and his wife owned Icelandic bank debt through an undisclosed offshore vehicle. What I’m referring to is the exponential popularity of the less than four-year-old “Pirate Party.”

Oil Strategist: "Doha Freeze Talks, If Anything, Look Bearish For Oil"

In the past few weeks, we have expressed our view why the much anticipated OPEC Doha meeting on "freezing" oil production will be one of the biggest "sell the news" events when it comes to oil. Yesterday, even Goldman opined why the OPEC Doha meeting will likely be a dud when Damien Courvalin said: "Don't Expect A Bullish Surprise." Now, we present the view of Bloomberg oil strategist Julian Lee, who says "Doha Freeze talks, if anything, look bearish for oil." Here's the simple reason why.

Commons Speaker John Bercow Gags MPs Revealing Ménage à Trois

House of Commons speaker John Bercow has banned Members of Parliament from using their Parliamentary privileges to reveal details of a “celebrity threesome” couple. An injunction was taken out by the ménage à trois to keep the details of the alleged infidelity secret. The Telegraph reports: The Telegraph reported today that an MP was planning to use parliamentary privilege to reveal the names of the mystery couple – whose identities have already been widely circulated on the internet and in American publications.
