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Turkey Demand Germany Arrest Comedian Who Insulted Erdogan

Turkey has put pressure on Germany to arrest and prosecute a comedian who insulted Turkish President Erdogan on live TV last month.  Turkey’s ambassador in Berlin sent a diplomatic note to the Foreign Ministry asking them to launch a criminal investigation into ‘crimes’ commited by comedian Jan Böhmermann who read out a satirical poem allegedly ‘insulting’ President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on a 31st March TV show.

Brazil Committee Votes To Begin Rousseff Impeachment Process: What Happens Next

Moments ago, in the first of two closely anticipated and watched votes, a special committee in Brazil's lower house voted 38 to 27 to begin the impeachment process against president Dilma Rousseff.

The committee voted on a report presented last week that concluded Rousseff bypassed Congress in authorizing credits to mask a growing budget deficit. While the report is not binding, the vote to confirm or reject it is the first real barometer on the prospect for impeachment.

As Ukraine Collapses, Europeans Tire Of US Interventions

Submitted by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Proseprity,

On Sunday Ukrainian prime minister Yatsenyuk resigned, just four days after the Dutch voted against Ukraine joining the European Union. Taken together, these two events are clear signals that the US-backed coup in Ukraine has not given that country freedom and democracy. They also suggest a deeper dissatisfaction among Europeans over Washington’s addiction to interventionism.
