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The GOP Doesn’t Need a “Candidate on Horseback”

David Ignatius proposes a bad solution for the Republicans’ presidential nomination problems:

How can the GOP escape this demolition derby? Some have proposed a unity bid by House Speaker Paul Ryan (Wis.), or the redux of former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. But these politicians would look like opportunists — stealing the nomination from the two candidates who won most of the primaries and caucuses — and the result might be even more divisive for the GOP.

Al-Nusra Front Deploys Around Aleppo For Major Offensive

Up to 10,000 al-Nusra Front terrorists have deployed near the Syrian city of Aleppo ahead of a major offensive, according to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.   Along with ISIS, al-Nusra is not party to the six-week old ceasefire being monitored by Russia and the US, and remains a legitimate target. Sputnik reports: “According to our intelligence, about 8,000 al-Nusra Front militants have been deployed south-west of Aleppo, while up to 1,500 militants have been deployed north of the city,” Lt. Gen. Sergei Rudskoy said Monday.

Fury Over Cameron’s Tax Affairs -More Than 100K Call For Snap Election

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn told MPs that David Cameron doesn’t recognize the intensity of the public outrage over his tax affairs His remarks come as more than 130,000 people have, at the time of writing, signed a petition calling for a snap general election. The prime minister was on the defensive in Parliament on Monday over his past offshore investments and his own government’s failure to crack down on tax avoidance.

Biden Proclaims Ukraine's "Success" As Prime Minister Resigns Over "Artificially Created" Crisis

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via,

When the going gets tough for politicians, the politicians do what they do best: Declare success smack in the face of a resounding defeat.

Today, Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk resigned, accusing the president’s party of plunging the war-scarred and recession-ravaged country into an “artificially created crisis”.

In response, US vice-president Joseph Biden’s office congratulated the Ukrainian government for a job well done.

Obama and the Dumb, Rash Wars He Supports

Supporters of destabilizing regime change can’t accept responsibility for the chaos they help create:

Both Obama and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton continue to argue that it wasn’t the removal of Gaddafi that caused the chaos, but rather the failure to prop up a stable government in the days following. An ISIS affiliate has since gained a foothold in the country, and the U.S. has carried out airstrikes against “ISIS camps” as recently as February.
