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Jade Helm 16: Military Prepare For Civil War, Withhold Food From Public

The U.S. military have launched Jade Helm 16 – otherwise known as UWEX 16 – a military exercise to prepare troops for an American civil war.  These latest exercises follow last year’s Jade Helm 15 exercises which some feared were being used as a means to introduce martial law in America. According to an anonymous tip off, Jade Helm 16 appears to be about controlling the nation’s food supply. reports: I have learned from reliable sources that Jade Helm 16 is also about controlling the shipment of all food.

French President Says Dissidents Can Stay In France … For Now

French President François Hollande has reluctantly agreed to allow dissidents to remain French citizens for the time being, amid protests from parliament and the public.  Hollande had originally proposed a bill that would have revoked the citizenship for anybody he deems to be a ‘terrorist’ under the country’s strict new state of emergency laws which some have labelled as Orwellian. reports: In a rare address to reporters following the weekly cabinet meeting, Hollande said Wednesday he had no choice.

Associated Press Helped Nazi Propaganda Machine, New Report Reveals

A new report has revealed that the Associated Press news agency (AP) worked alongside the Third Reich during Hitler’s reign to produce numerous photographs for use in Nazi propaganda.  AP provided the Nazi’s with images from their photo archive to be used in anti-Semitic and anti-Western propaganda campaigns, according German historian Harriet Scharnberg. reports: When Adolf Hitler’s National Socialists rose to power in 1933, all international news agencies but the US-based AP were forced to leave Germany.

Israel’s Cannabis R&D Now An American Business Target

Israel is known as a leader in “high tech” agriculture. Now, the country is attracting US companies who are seeking to bring medical cannabis research and development to the states. Yahoo News reports: Since 2014, U.S. firms have invested about $50 million in licensing Israeli medical marijuana patents, cannabis agro-tech startups and firms developing delivery devices such as inhalers, said Saul Kaye, CEO of iCAN, a private cannabis research hub.
