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Why Military Hospitals Are Unhealthy and Inefficient

Incredible waste is, of course, natural to Washington, particularly in the trillion dollar national security budget—which includes nuclear bombs, intelligence, and veterans’ costs. Three years ago, when I suggested “16 Ways to Cut Defense Spending,” one of the cost savings I wrote about was duplicative hospital costs, this from a system of separate Army, Navy, and Air Force medical services. They should be combined into a single system, but imagine the screaming about lost jobs.

The 2016 Republican Race So Far

The Republican field once included as many as 17 candidates. Most of them really had no business running, and many were throwbacks to earlier eras that guaranteed that they would be poor fits with the current electorate. This included no-hopers such as Jim Gilmore and George Pataki as well as yesterday’s men Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum. Rick Perry could never recover from his last disastrous outing, and Bobby Jindal was weighed down by the mess he had created in Louisiana.

Hillary Clinton 2016: War Criminal For President

Hardly discussed in the Hillary Clinton 2016 Democratic Party presidential primaries race is Hillary’s actions in the illegal 2009 Honduras coup, a major human rights crisis, which lead to the recent murder of an esteemed human rights activist. There is a noteworthy difference between Senator Bernie Sanders and Secretary Hillary Clinton on their positions on whether children who fled violence in Central American countries, namely Honduras, two years ago should be deported or allowed to remain in the United States. Sen.
