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How Trump Won Florida

Trump’s victory in Florida was the least surprising result tonight, but it was certainly the most impressive and comprehensive. He won convincingly in an opponent’s home state by 18 points and carried every county except Miami-Dade. According to CNN’s exit poll, he won among men by 30 points, and even won with women by seven. Trump won every age group, but was strongest with the older voters that predictably made up the bulk of the electorate: Trump was 20 points up among both voters 65+ and aged 45-64, and those two groups accounted for almost three-quarters of the voters.

Insider Reveals The Shocking Person Who Is Trump’s VP Choice

One of the biggest things on people’s minds who are following the current 2016 US Presidential Election is “who will Donald Trump choose to be his running mate for Vice President?” Well now, has exclusively learned from sources connected to the Trump campaign that Trump and his advisors allegedly have been having meetings as early as October, 2015 with one of his opponents – a person that Donald Trump feels will be the best bet for a running mate in what is sure to be a tight election. The Trump Card?

Hungary's Orban "Rings Alarm Bells" On Brussels Plot To Create "United States Of Europe"

If there’s one person who exemplifies anti-refugee sentiment in Europe more than anyone else, it’s not Frauke Petry, it’s not Geert Wilders, and it’s not Lutz Bachmann. It’s Viktor Orban.

Orban raised eyebrows in September of last year, when the Hungarian PM built a 110-mile, razor wire migrant-be-gone fence along his country’s border with Serbia.
