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Marco Rubio Drops Out of US Presidential Race

After losing his home state of Florida, senator and former Presidential hopeful Marco Rubio has dropped out of the race. Rubio announced he will be ‘suspending’ his campaign indefinitely. According to New York Times writer Jeremy W. Peters who is familiar with Marco Rubio’s exit from the race: Mr. Rubio made the announcement during a speech at his campaign headquarters in Miami after losing his home state by a large margin to Donald J. Trump. Mr. Rubio hushed the boos from the audience when he congratulated Mr. Trump. “No, no, no,” he said, interrupting the jeers.

Kuwaiti man repeatedly tortured is freed after 14 years in Guantanamo

Kuwaiti man repeatedly tortured is freed after 14 years in Guantanamo

PCR: A decade or more ago Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld claimed, as part of the “scare Americans to death about terrorism” strategy, that the prisoners in Washington’s Guantanamo prison are “the most dangerous, best-trained, vicious killers on the face of the earth.” Rumsfeld’s erroneous claim was endlessly repeated by the presstitutes and swallowed whole by the gullible American and European public.

New Zealand Follow In Canada’s Footsteps And Introduce Free Money For All

New Zealand looks set to follow in Canada’s footsteps in providing unconditional money to all of its citizens.  The country have announced plans to scrap benefits and to introduce basic citizens’ income, also known as Universal Basic Income (UBI). Leader of the opposition Labour party, Andrew Little, said his party were considering proposals to provide a basic, unconditional, fixed payment made to every single person in the country in order to combat the “possibility of higher structural unemployment”.

Saudi-led Airstrikes On Market In Yemen Kills Dozens

Saudi-led coalition warplanes bombed a restaurant and a crowded market place in rebel held Hajja province in northern Yemen shortly before noon on Tuesday, killing at least 41 civilians and wounding 35 others. The BBC reports: Witnesses said at least two missiles hit a busy market in the Mustaba district of Hajja province at midday. Video footage purportedly of the aftermath showed what appeared to be the bodies of several children. Hajja is controlled by Houthi rebels, who the coalition is battling on behalf of Yemen’s government.
