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Dubai Security Chief Warns Of “Clash Of Civilisations” After Trump Victory

A security chief for the Emirate of Dubai has issued a warning over the prospects of a Donald Trump presidency in the United States. The deputy chairman of police and general security in Dubai, Lt Gen Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, took to Twitter warning  of a “clash of civilisations” if the Republican candidate wins the US election Arabian Business reports: Referencing political scientist Samuel P Huntington’s theory that future wars would be fought between cultures, Tamim warned that a Trump win could see him face ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Obama Wants Access To Digital Devices To Prevent Terrorism & Tax Cheats

President Barack Obama told a Texas audience that mobile devices should be built such a way that the government can access them in order to prevent terrorist attacks and as a means to enforce tax laws. Speaking during a Q&A session, Obama declined to comment specifically on the efforts by the FBI requiring Apple’s help in gaining data from an iPhone used in the December attack in San Bernardino.

Declassified Docs Reveal Full Horror Of CIA Mind Control Program

Recently declassified CIA documents reveal the horrific depths to which a U.S. government-sponsored mind control program (MK Ultra) sank to in the 1950’s and 60’s.  Project MKUltra was designed to create assassins and “super spies” out of ordinary U.S. citizens – who underwent traumatic experimentation by the CIA without consent or knowledge of what was taking place. reports: I’ve decided to copy the declassified CIA documents directly from instead of paraphrasing them so they sink in.
