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UK To Deploy More Troops To Iraq

The UK is to deploy more troops to Iraq to help train Iraqi forces as they prepare for a new offensive against ISIS. Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said on Saturday that Britain would send 30 extra troops to provide training in logistics and bridge-building as well as specialist medical staff. That would take the total number of UK personnel on training mission in Iraq to 300 Press TV reports: “Now is the time to step up our training of Iraqi forces, as they prepare for operations in key cities such as Fallujah and Mosul,” Fallon said, adding that Britain has made “solid progress” in the collective fight against Daesh. The British official boasted the move to increase the number of troops in Iraq as proving the “crucial role” London is playing in the fight against Daesh, saying UK airstrikes against purported positions of militants in Iraq have trebled. British jets have been targeting purported positions of Daesh in Iraq and neighboring Syria as part of an international coalition against the Takfiri group. The central government has on occasions expressed regret that the US-led attacks have failed to target militants as locals have reported damage to civilian areas. The British Ministry [...]