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FBI Morale "Very Good" As 'Immune' Hillary IT-Staffer Reportedly A "Devastating Witness"

FBI Morale "Very Good" As 'Immune' Hillary IT-Staffer Reportedly A "Devastating Witness"

Despite the arrogance of Hillary's campaign claiming to be "pleased" that the Justice Department granted immunity to an IT specialist who worked on Hillary's private email server, Fox News reports Bryan Pagliano has told the FBI key details, about how and what devices she used, citing an intelligence source who called him a "devastating witness." Having been warned that she should be "terrified" since "they would not be immunizing him and thereby inducing him to spill his guts unless they wanted to indict someone,"

Trump Scared Of Hateful Muslims, Promotes Scarier Biblical Values

As Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump labels “most” of the billion and a half Muslims in the world as hateful and dangerous, he goes on to promote Christian values, oblivious of the dangers hidden in the Bible as in many other holy books. Since the dawn of time man has not known peace and has looked up at the sky in bewilderment looking for answers to his fleeting existence. Religious wars have been the cruelest in history and all the three major monotheistic religions are presently expecting their respective saviors to start or stop the prophesied Armageddon.

Hillary On Life Under President Trump: "I Will Not Move To Canada"

While Google searches for "how can i move to Canada" are surging, there is one American that will not be leaving the nation when (or if) Donald Trump is crowned President. Speaking to MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, Hillary Clinton said if The Donald was elected, "I would never leave our country, but I would certainly be spending a lot of time yelling at the TV set."


Some might be disappointed...

It's Not Just The Republican Party; The Corrupt, Cronyist Democratic Party Is Imploding Too

It's Not Just The Republican Party; The Corrupt, Cronyist Democratic Party Is Imploding Too

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

Anyone who thinks the Democratic Party isn't imploding for the exact same reasons the Republican party is imploding is purposefully ignoring reality.

Legions of pundits are crawling out of the woodwork to gloat over the implosion of the Republican Party. Corrupt, crony-capitalist, Imperial over-reach--good riddance.

Pentagon Admits It 'Kinda Sorta' Deployed Spy Drones Over America

In what will likely not surprise too many, The Pentagon has admitted it has deployed drones to spy over U.S. territory for non-military missions over the past decade. Confirming yet another conspiracy theory is conspiracy fact, FBI director Robert Mueller testified before Congress that the bureau employed spy drones to aid investigations, but in a "very,very minimal way, very seldom." The report concludes, "the appetite to use spy drones in the domestic environment to collect airborne imagery continues to grow."
