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Ben Carson Endorses The Donald Press Conference - Live Feed

Opposites attract? Softly-spoken Dr. Ben Carson is reportedly set to endorse The Donald this morning but Trump's press conference will, we are sure, have more to offer than just that...

As The Hill reports, Trump confirmed the endorsement on Thursday night’s GOP debate, saying Carson "will be very much involved” in advising him on education, calling it Carson’s “expertise.”

Erdogan Vows To Help Ukraine Fight Russia And Return Crimea

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to support Ukraine’s fight against Russia by helping Ukraine to take steps in removing Russian occupation.  “Turkey did not recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea and is not going to do either,” Erdogan said in a joint press conference with Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko in Ankara. reports: According to him, Russia violated international law in this matter. “Mr President (of Turkey) supported the joint steps aimed at the de-occupation of Crimea.

A Sea Island Conspiracy?

Over the long weekend before the Mississippi and Michigan primaries, the sky above Sea Island was black with corporate jets.

Apple’s Tim Cook, Google’s Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, Napster’s Sean Parker, Tesla Motors’ Elon Musk, and other members of the super-rich were jetting in to the exclusive Georgia resort, ostensibly to participate in the annual World Forum of the American Enterprise Institute.

Among the advertised topics of discussion: “Millennials: How Much Do They Matter and What Do They Want?”
