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Putin Inspects Russian Special Forces ‘Batmobiles’

Video shows President Vladimir Putin inspecting Russian ‘Batmobiles’ designed for the country’s special forces. The high speed, low drag armored ‘Batmobiles’ could be used by Russia’s elite Spetsnaz commandos. Russia Insider reports: Russia has always excelled in military engineering. But the new armored cars designed for Russia’s special forces seem to have been inspired by DC Comics: Putin surveyed an array of high-tech vehicles during an FSB inspection. He doesn’t look that impressed to us.

Romney’s Futile Anti-Trump Gesture

Mitt Romney will give an anti-Trump speech tomorrow:

“Mitt doesn’t believe Donald Trump is the right person to lead the party,” the Republican said. “There are a number of mainstream Republicans falling in line with Trump, and he wants to speak up before more people go that route.”

While making the case against Trump, Romney is unlikely to endorse one of his opponents [bold mine-DL], the source said.

"How To Move To Canada" Searches Spike 1,000% After Trump Super Tuesday Rout

"How To Move To Canada" Searches Spike 1,000% After Trump Super Tuesday Rout

Super Tuesday sure was “super” for Donald Trump.

The billionaire - who has gone from “joke” to “frontrunner” in the span of just 9 months - is now the presumed pick for the GOP nomination.

That’s rattled the Republican establishment and sent shockwaves through Washington where no one - and we mean on one - can figure out how this happened.
