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"Trump Must Be Stopped" Plead 'The Economist' And CFR As Financial Establishment Panics

"Trump Must Be Stopped" Plead 'The Economist' And CFR As Financial Establishment Panics

It's one thing for the republican establishment to throw up all over the candidacy of Donald Trump: frankly, the GOP has not been relevant as a political power ever since Boehner started folding like a lawn chair to Obama's every demand just around the time of the first US downgrade, and as such what the Republican party - torn apart and very much irrelevant as the best of the "establishment" GOP candidates demonstrate - thinks is largely irrelevant.

Ukraine Collapse Is Now Imminent


Two years have passed since Yanukovich was deposed and, as it turns out, another ruthless clan of oligarchs has taken power. No wonder then that Ukraine is heading for a new wave of violence and chaos. Oligarchs are fighting each other, the IMF is pulling out of the country, officials issue laws and regulations only to see them repealed within a day or two by others, and raided European companies are leaving the country after being robbed by the so-called pro-Brussels oligarchic elite. 

Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov To Step Down

Chechen strongman and president of the republic, Ramzan Kadyrov is to step down and retire from public life. Kadyrov also leaked  an opposition report that described him as a threat to Russia’s security. He called  the report ‘blather’ saying he wanted everyone to see his disregard for it Russia Today reports: “My time is past. Every human has a limit. I believe Kadyrov has passed his peak,” the Chechen leader said, referring to himself in the third person, in an interview on Saturday.

Iran Pivots Toward Democracy As Moderates Sweep Elections

Iran Pivots Toward Democracy As Moderates Sweep Elections

In what amounts to a referendum on President Hassan Rouhani’s leadership, voters in Tehran turned out overwhelmingly for moderates in closely watched parliamentary elections that may serve as an important signal for where Iran is headed.

Pro-Rouhani candidates are set to sweep all 30 of Tehran’s parliamentary seats. The 290-member body is dominated by hard-liners, but that looks set to change under the President, whose decision to negotiate with the US over the country’s nuclear program was an enormous political gamble.

Wikileaks: Saudi Government Vow To Overthrow Assad But Leave Russia Alone

A Wikileaks cable released as part of “The Saudi Cables” from 2015 outlines plans by Saudi Arabia to invade Syria in order to oust its leader President Bashar al-Assad.  The cables also instruct that the Saudis will “not oppose Russian figures and to avoid insulting them,” whilst they attempt to fulfil their Syrian agenda.
