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Wikileaks: Saudi Government Vow To Overthrow Assad But Leave Russia Alone

A Wikileaks cable released as part of “The Saudi Cables” from 2015 outlines plans by Saudi Arabia to invade Syria in order to oust its leader President Bashar al-Assad.  The cables also instruct that the Saudis will “not oppose Russian figures and to avoid insulting them,” whilst they attempt to fulfil their Syrian agenda. reports: Saudi Arabia had further miscalculated that the “Russian position” of preserving the Assad government “will not persist in force.” In Saudi thinking, reflected in the leaked memo, Assad’s violent ouster (“by all means available”) could be pursued so long as Russia stayed on the sidelines. The following section is categorical in its emphasis on regime change at all costs, even should the U.S. vacillate for “lack of desire”: The fact must be stressed that in the case where the Syrian regime is able to pass through its current crisis in any shape or form, the primary goal that it will pursue is taking revenge on the countries that stood against it, with the Kingdom and some of the countries of the Gulf coming at the top of the list. If we take into account the extent of this regime’s brutality and viciousness and its lack of hesitancy [...]