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Boris Johnson Urges Britons To Leave Europe

London Mayor and Tory MP Boris Johnson has announced his plans to campaign for Britain to leave the European Union (EU), pitting himself against Prime Minister David Cameron who has urged Britons to vote “yes” in an upcoming in-out referendum this June. The BBC broke the news of Boris’ voting preference on Sunday, stating: “Mayor of London Boris Johnson is to campaign to leave the EU in the UK’s referendum, BBC understands”. reports: UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage told Breitbart London exclusively this afternoon: “This is really good news.

Jeb Bush Ends His Presidential Campaign

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush announced on Saturday night that he would leave the 2016 Presidential race, after a disappointing finish in South Carolina. Donald Trump may have helped destroy Jeb’s candidacy by repeatedly challenging him on 9/11 by saying that the terror attack was the fault of his brother George W. Bush Or perhaps America has had enough of the Bush family… Press TV reports: Bush, who was once considered Republican frontrunner, finished in sixth place in the Iowa caucuses and in fourth places in New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Cameron Unleashes 'Project Fear' - UK Military Leaders Warn Against Brexit Threat To National Security

Just as the government did in the lead up to The Scottish Referendum in 2014, it appears David Cameron is already unleashing resorting to the so-called Project Fear. As The Telegraph reports, following Boris Johnson's lack of acquiescence to Cameron's call for no Brexit, more than a dozen of the country's most senior military leaders will argue that Britain should vote to stay in the European Union because of its importance to national security.

Voters Don’t Love Rubio the Way Elites Do

Donald Trump appears to have won all 50 delegates in Saturday’s South Carolina Republican primary, but this hasn’t stopped certain pundits from proclaiming Marco Rubio the real story. Rubio took second place with just .02 percent more of the vote than Ted Cruz received. While Cruz was supposed to have an advantage given the state’s large evangelical vote, Rubio had the endorsements of key figures in the state’s political establishment, notably Governor Nikki Haley and Sen. Tim Scott.

Jeb Bush’s Good Character

Last night, I was online watching news clips reporting the South Carolina results, and I stopped on a report reflecting on Jeb Bush’s failed campaign. The report featured clips of Donald Trump bullying Jeb on the trail, and especially in the last debate. Jeb didn’t know how to fight back. Actually, he probably did know, but it’s not in his character to stoop to that level.

“Stop playing that,” my wife said. “I don’t want to hear it.”
