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Jeb Bush Ends His Presidential Campaign

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush announced on Saturday night that he would leave the 2016 Presidential race, after a disappointing finish in South Carolina. Donald Trump may have helped destroy Jeb’s candidacy by repeatedly challenging him on 9/11 by saying that the terror attack was the fault of his brother George W. Bush Or perhaps America has had enough of the Bush family… Press TV reports: Bush, who was once considered Republican frontrunner, finished in sixth place in the Iowa caucuses and in fourth places in New Hampshire and South Carolina. “I am proud of the campaign that we have run to unify our country and to advocate conservative solutions that would give more Americans the opportunity to rise up and reach their god given potential,” he added. Bush said he congratulates his competitors “that are remaining on the island” and said that he has “stood his ground, refusing to bend to the political whims.” Bush’s decision to drop out of the race comes less than a year after he launched his campaign, and after struggling to stand out in a race full of both political outsiders and a slew of candidates who are either sitting or former governors. Donald [...]