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Freedom Isn't Free

Submitted by Simon Black via,

Years ago back in my days at the academy and in the military, I used to hear this phrase “freedom isn’t free” over and over again.

It was almost a sort of motto for a lot of military units– a self-motivating expression that freedom came at a price, and it was our solemn responsibility to pay that price.

It’s a true statement. Freedom is NOT free.

Pope Francis On Zika Virus: Avoiding Pregnancy Is Not An Absolute Evil

The Catholic Church has softened its stance on contraception when faced with the threat imposed by the Zika virus. Pope Francis has given his blessings to the use of artificial contraception when it comes to the Zika virus and the damage it could cause an unborn fetus. The pope says that there is a clear moral difference between aborting a fetus and preventing a pregnancy, but has not gone as far as softening his stance on abortion of unwanted Zika-infected pregnancies. Pope Francis says that abortion “is an evil in and of itself, but it is not a religious evil at its root, no?

ISIL’s Top Saudi Female Commander Killed In Hasaka, North East Syria

The Saudi ringleader of ISIL’s female fighters was killed in clashes with the Syrian army and Kurdish forces in the Hasaka province on Friday. Rima al-Jarish was the media coordinator of ISIL’s al-Khansa Battalion in al-Shadadi town in Hasaka province. Fars News reports: Al-Jarish was wife of a Saudi inmate and mother of an ISIL commander who left Saudi Arabia for Syria in 2014 to join the ISIL.

Sex Abuse Inquiry To Investigate Edward Heath’s Diaries & Letters

As part of an inquiry into sex abuse allegations, British police are to spend a year reading through the private papers of the former, late prime minister Edward Heath. Civilian investigators, usually retired officers, will be recruited by Wiltshire Constabulary to examine the archive of the late Conservative PM who died in 2005. At least five police forces have received allegations of child sexual abuse against Heath.

What I Learned From CNN’s Town Hall

I thank CNN and its excellent master of ceremonies, Anderson Cooper, for the two Republican presidential town halls in South Carolina. Wednesday night we had Dr. Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz. Thursday night it was John Kasich, Jeb Bush, and Donald Trump. Each of them had more than a half hour to expound their views, individually, to the audience, and to take questions from the audience.
