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Donald Trump Calls The Pope ‘Disgraceful’ & A ‘Pawn’

The head of the Roman Catholic Church has questioned Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s credentials for qualifying as a Christian who follows the path of the righteous. In an interview Pope Francis condemned Donald Trumps behaviour during the U.S. presidential race saying his ideas were “not Christian.” Trump fought back by calling the pontiff “disgraceful” and a “pawn”. Just Jared reports: “For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful.

Syria Says Bombed Hospital Was A French Intelligence Network

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) is a front for French intelligence, according to Syria’s representative to the UN. Bashar al-Jaafari defended Assad and Russia from accusations that they had bombed the hospital in northern Syria. On Monday a hospital in Muratt al Numan run by Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) was destroyed by missiles. reports: The MSF hospital in the north-western, rebel-held province of Idlib was bombed twice with two missiles each time on Monday morning.

‘What’s Wrong With Trump Voters?’

At the risk of posting too much Trumpiana, I have to highlight this comment from reader St. Louisan:

National Review ran a piece this week taking Trump fans and other GOP rebels to task for failing to appreciate mainline Conservatism’s achievements, and putting them at risk. But this is what the piece gives as the “cornucopia of significant changes” for which Bush-weary voters should be grateful:

Iraq War Scandal: Dick Cheney Company Profited From War

If you work for the Elite who profit from the military industrial complex, do not expect them to take care of you while in Iraq or Afghanistan. Not unless you work in the private sector and have connections. U.S. soldiers paid with their health while a company related to the Former U.S. Vice President, Dick Cheney made profits. They made money for themselves and their friends by hiring private contractors while treating serving soldiers without due care and respect. A new book claims that a Dick Cheney related company got rich while U.S.
