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Iraq War Scandal: Dick Cheney Company Profited From War

If you work for the Elite who profit from the military industrial complex, do not expect them to take care of you while in Iraq or Afghanistan. Not unless you work in the private sector and have connections. U.S. soldiers paid with their health while a company related to the Former U.S. Vice President, Dick Cheney made profits. They made money for themselves and their friends by hiring private contractors while treating serving soldiers without due care and respect. A new book claims that a Dick Cheney related company got rich while U.S. soldiers fighting for their country in Iraq and Afghanistan got poisoned. Alternet reports: The Biggest Iraq War Scandal That Nobody’s Talking About The first 10 pages of “The Burn Pits: The Poisoning of America’s Soldiers” will rip your heart out. In the opening chapter of this new book, Joseph Hickman, a former U.S. Marine and Army sergeant, shares the brief and tragic life story of one Iraq War veteran. In a nutshell, a healthy young man shipped off to Iraq, was stationed at a U.S. military base where he was exposed to a constant stream of toxic smoke, returned home with horrible respiratory problems, was denied care by the VA, developed brain cancer and died. Thousands of soldiers have [...]