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North Korea Expel South Koreans From Kaesong Amid Military Tension

North Korea have expelled all South Koreans from the Kaesong industrial zone on Thursday, seizing their factory assets and blaming Seoul’s earlier decision to shutter the complex as being a “declaration of war”.  Pyongyang has said it is placing Kaesong under military control and cutting communication lines with Seoul. reports: The measures mark a significant escalation of cross-border tensions that have been elevated since North Korea carried out a nuclear test last month and a long-range rocket launch on Sunday.

America's National Debt Bomb Caused By The Welfare State

America's National Debt Bomb Caused By The Welfare State

Submitted by Richard Ebeling via,

The news is filled with the everyday zigzags of those competing against each other for the Democrat and Republican Party nominations to run for the presidency of the United States. But one of the most important issues receiving little or no attention in this circus of political power lusting is the long-term danger from the huge and rising Federal government debt.

Compare Mike Whitney’s Truthful Account Of Syria With The Disinformation Published By The Washington Post

Compare Mike Whitney’s Truthful Account Of Syria With The Disinformation Published By The Washington Post


Millennials Now Prefer Socialism To Capitalism

Millennials Now Prefer Socialism To Capitalism

On Tuesday, Bernie Sanders swept to victory in the New Hampshire primary over rival Hillary Clinton.

To be sure, Sanders was expected to win. Handily.

Still, there’s something surreal about the fact that America is edging ever closer to a situation that will see an avowed socialist square off against one of the country’s quintessential capitalists for the keys to The White House.
