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US, Japan, Canada, Australia and 8 Other Countries Sign Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement

The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) would be horrible for Americans and the people of the world.

But most politicians are thoroughly corrupt.  Neither the Democratic or Republican parties represent the interests of the American people. Elections have become nothing but scripted beauty contests, with both parties ignoring the desires of their own bases.

So today, 12 countries – Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, Singapore, Australia      Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, United States and Vietnam – signed the TPP.

John Kerry Accused Of “Creating ISIS” During Press Conference

US Secretary of State John Kerry was accused of “creating ISIS” during a visit to Italy at a joint press conference with Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni.  During the press conference a woman in the audience shouted “it’s you who created Daesh!”, bringing the conference to an abrupt end. reports: “It’s you who created Daesh!” she shouted at the two ministers, using another name for the terror group Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), reported the Italian state-owned television channel RAI. The woman was dragged away from the conference by the Carabinieri.

Jimmy Carter: "Legal Bribery" Is Prevailing In The US Political System

Submitted by Andrea Germanos via,

Former U.S. President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Jimmy Carter has taken aim at the “erroneous” Supreme Court ruling that “gives legal bribery a chance to prevail.”

Carter made the comments, an apparent reference to the 2010 Citizens United ruling, in an interview Wednesday with the BBC’s “Today” program.

Captured ISIS Bomb Maker Wouldn’t Wear The Suicide Vests He Made

A depraved ISIS bomb maker was reduced to tears and cried like a child after being captured and confronted with the realities of his profession.  Jasim Mohammed Atti’ya faces the death sentence for his role as an ISIS bomb maker after being captured by Iraqi forces. The cowardly Islamic State bomb maker said he would not personally use the explosive suicide vests he made for the terrorist group: “I wouldn’t explode myself. That is another level of faith.” He is suspected of making the devices used in a terror attack on an Iraqi government building.
