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John Pilger Explains Washington’s Incarceration of Julian Assange in the Ecuadoran Embassy in London

John Pilger Explains Washington’s Incarceration of Julian Assange in the Ecuadoran Embassy in London

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How Fox News Undercut Trump

The Republican Establishment, led by powerful media boss Fox News’ Roger Ailes, undercut Donald Trump’s anti-Establishment campaign with some last-minute maneuvers in Iowa, including baiting Trump to boycott a Fox debate, as JP Sottile explains. By JP Sottile Something really strange happened on the way to the Iowa Caucus. The strange thing is not that…

Rubio the Remainderman

Donald Trump won more votes in the Iowa caucuses than any Republican candidate in history.

Impressive, except Ted Cruz set the new all-time record.

And Marco Rubio exceeded all expectations by taking 23 percent.

Cruz won Tea Party types, Evangelicals, and the hard right.

Trump won the populists and nationalists who want the borders secure, no amnesty, and no more trade deals that enable rival powers like China to disembowel American industries.
