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Clinton Gets $6 Million From Soros As Money Race Winners Revealed Ahead Of Iowa Caucus

Clinton Gets $6 Million From Soros As Money Race Winners Revealed Ahead Of Iowa Caucus

On Sunday night we got a look at the 2015 campaign reports for US presidential candidates as the deadline for FEC filings came and went.

There were a number of notable donations, but the headline grabber was George Soros who in the second half of last year gave $6 million to Hillary Clinton’s super PAC, bringing his total donation to $7 million.

Turkey Threatens Russia With “Serious Consequences”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned Russia that it will have to “endure the consequences” if their jets continue to violate Turkish airspace, following the alleged infringement by a Russian Su-34 warplane.  The stern warning comes just two months after Turkey shot down a Russian jet for crossing over its territory. The incident is hotly disputed by Russia, who say they were legally flying over Syria at the time.

ISIS Spooked As Mysterious Sniper Kills Off Leadership One By One

ISIS have expressed fear for the first time as a mysterious sniper has been reported as killing off leaders of the terrorist regime one by one.  ISIS militants are said to be baffled as to who is picking off senior fighters following the assassination of three of its top commanders in recent weeks. reports: The sharp shooter is said to have perfected his skills during the 2011 uprising against dictator Colonel Gaddafi. Senior ISIS terror chief Abdullah Hamad Al-Ansari has been named as the latest casualty after he was attacked on January 23 as he left a city centre mosque.

ISIS Threaten UK Attack So Horrific It Will “Turn Kids Hair White”

ISIS warned Britain that they are on the verge of committing a terrorist attack so horrific in the UK that it will “turn children’s hair white”, in their latest video which promises carnage across the continent of Europe.  ISIS have warned that the UK will suffer “the lion’s share” of the slaughter it intends to commit in Europe. reports: However, in a video released on Saturday, the militants suggest it is Spain which will come under the strongest attack as the West is forced to ‘pay dearly’ for having crushed Muslim rule in Andalusia – more than 500 years ago.
