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Obama’s “Master Plan” Is To Destroy The United States, Says Russia

The Kremlin have issued a disturbing report this week that says President Obama has embarked on a “master plan” that aims to completely corrupt the electorate of the United States, which threatens to destroy America as we know it. According to the report, the Obama administration is fighting a US Supreme Court case that aims to thwart his ‘communist agenda’ for America.

Putin: ‘Turkish Leaders Made A Huge Mistake’

Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused the Turkish government of making “a huge mistake” in the shooting down of their warplane over Syria in November.  Putin says that Russia’s sanctions against Turkey’s “war crime” have been moderate in contrast to more extreme actions they could take in the future. Fort Russ reports: According to him, measures against Turkey will not affect existing contracts in the construction industry, as this may cause damage to Russia.

The West Are Desperate To Demonise Putin To The Masses

Washington is desperately trying to influence the opinions of the American people about world affairs by demonizing Russian President Vladimir Putin, making him the object of revulsion and ridicule, in order to justify “regime change” strategies, John Ivens reports. reports: On the morning of Jan. 16 at Hillary Clinton’s campaign headquarters in Clinton, Iowa, I met Madeleine Albright. She looked different than I remembered her as the first woman to serve as U.S. Secretary of State during Bill Clinton’s second term.
