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Putin: ‘Turkish Leaders Made A Huge Mistake’

Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused the Turkish government of making “a huge mistake” in the shooting down of their warplane over Syria in November.  Putin says that Russia’s sanctions against Turkey’s “war crime” have been moderate in contrast to more extreme actions they could take in the future. Fort Russ reports: According to him, measures against Turkey will not affect existing contracts in the construction industry, as this may cause damage to Russia. However, the limitations in this industry, which have attracted more than 300 Turkish companies with contracts for 50 billion dollars, will be expanded, said the Russian leader. In the near future, according to Putin, Russia will have more than 87 thousand jobs due to the introduction of measures against Turkey in the construction industry. Earlier it was reported that Turkey could impose retaliatory sanctions against Russia. According to “Kommersant”, Ankara is preparing the adoption of antidumping duties for Russian steel companies. They will grow up to 13.66%.