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The Decapitation of the GOP

The Republican Party today poses a bit of a conundrum.

On the one hand, the party has gone from strength to strength at every level of government. It dominates state legislatures, is over-represented in governorships of states of all regions, types and sizes, has a virtual lock on the House of Representatives and a majority in the Senate. And it has achieved these goal in spite of a multi-year insurgency from the Tea Party right that has plainly cost it some winnable seats.

Rubio’s Curious Campaign Strategy

Rubio’s campaign now seems to be consciously following in Giuliani’s footsteps:

Under pressure to emerge as the Republican mainstream’s presidential contender, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is increasingly relying on a national strategy as he lowers expectations for February’s primary contests.

He’s betting big that Republican voters across the political spectrum will ultimately coalesce behind his candidacy in the state-by-state slog for delegates his team envisions for the months ahead.
