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Police Investigate Ten Year Old Schoolboy Over Spelling Mistake

A spelling mistake has led to a 10-year-old Muslim schoolboy being interviewed by British police over suspected links to terrorism. The child, who cannot be named for legal reasons, mistakenly wrote that he lived in a “terrorist house” instead of a “terraced house” during an English lesson at his primary school in Accrington, Lancashire back in December. Counter terrorism legislation that was introduced last year demands teachers alert authorities if they suspect a pupil’s connection to any terrorist behaviour or radicalisation.

Syrian Army Defeats Terrorists Using Motorbikes

The latest successful tactic that the Syrian army has employed to fight terrorists in Syria is the use of motorbikes in the battlefield. Occupied since 2012, the town of Salma was recaptured from the militants by the Syrian Army last week. Their success in taking back the town in north-eastern Latakia near the Turkish border was due to their secret weapon, the motorbike. The bikes allowed the army to use the same tactics as the militants by being able to navigate or spearhead an attack through narrow streets laden with mines, debris and snipers.

When Money Can’t Buy An Army

The Afghan military sustained twice as many losses in the last year as U.S. forces killed in the entire 13 years of war in Afghanistan. And the pace of casualties is escalating, suggesting that the Taliban is stronger than the Pentagon and mainstream media have ever let on—in fact, the country is a house of cards experts say is destined to fall.

Clinton Vs. Sanders - What Does Google Say... And The Facts

Clinton Vs. Sanders - What Does Google Say... And The Facts

With stunning polls showing Bernie Sanders with a 60% to 33% lead over Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire...

The new poll, mostly conducted before Sunday night's debate, found Sanders' support has grown by 10 points since a late-November/early December CNN/WMUR poll, which found Sanders holding 50% to Clinton's 40%.

As Liberty Blitizkrieg's Mike Krieger notes, the following "suggested searches" from Google pretty much sums up how the general public feels about the two leading candidates for the Democratic nomination...

