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Syrian Army Defeats Terrorists Using Motorbikes

The latest successful tactic that the Syrian army has employed to fight terrorists in Syria is the use of motorbikes in the battlefield. Occupied since 2012, the town of Salma was recaptured from the militants by the Syrian Army last week. Their success in taking back the town in north-eastern Latakia near the Turkish border was due to their secret weapon, the motorbike. The bikes allowed the army to use the same tactics as the militants by being able to navigate or spearhead an attack through narrow streets laden with mines, debris and snipers. Sputnik reports: The city’s narrow alleyways and surrounding forests made Salma particularly difficult to recapture. While Russian jets accomplished their goals from the air, the Syrian government found it almost impossible to move in tanks, troops, or armored vehicles. Last week’s success relied on new strategies. “The way we fight has changed since the beginning of the war, and we have developed our offensive methods,” said Hany, a 25-year soldier with the Syrian Army. “Nowadays, we use motorbikes for their speed and mobility.” The bikes offer a number of advantages. Maneuverability lets the driver adjust course more rapidly to avoid sniper fire, while the lightweight frame allows it to sail over mines intended for larger vehicles. [...]