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Iran Says It Will Release Snooping Sailors On Wednesday

Tehran have told the United States that they will return the ten sailors who are currently being held hostage by Iran in the Gulf, by Wednesday.  Two U.S. Navy vessels were held in Iranian custody on Tuesday as the boats travelled one mile within Iranian territory without permission. Iranian officials have accused America of attempting to ‘snoop’ around Iranian waters, but agreed to return the sailors aboard the vessels after John F. Kerry spoke with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif about the incident.

China’s New Military Base in Africa Sign Of Deep Ties With Continent

As China expands its military and economic influence in Africa, the United States should feel “very nervous,” according to journalist James Poulos. China is planning to build a military base on the horn of Africa in Djibouti. It could be the first step toward Beijing’s deeper involvement with the continent. Sputnik reports: Last year, China began talks with Djibouti to install a “logistics hub” and airfield in the east African nation.

What Bernie And The Donald Portend

Submitted by Patrick Buchanan via,

Three weeks out from the Iowa caucuses, and clarity emerges.

Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee, is in trouble.

Polls show her slightly ahead of socialist Bernie Sanders in Iowa, but narrowly behind in New Hampshire. And the weekend brought new revelations about yet more classified and secret documents sent over her private email server when she was secretary of state.
